Demystifying AR Meet up by HK Israel Trade Association (HITA)

HKVRN was invited at the “Demystifying AR: Create Your Own World” event recently. This event was organised by Hong Kong Israel Trade Association in partnership with W-SOURCE, HKVRN, MDT and Naked Hub. It was great to meet AR projects outside of Hong Kong, get to talk with Daniel Girdea, founders of ARCONA, and see their AR demo by Arcona AR Ecosystem.

Arcona had launched 8 AR outdoor parks in 6 countries: Russia, France, Latvia, Italy, Estonia and Bulgaria. The Arcona Ecosystem creates a Digital Land – a layer of Augmented Reality uniting the physical and virtual worlds into a single information environment perfectly linked to our real world. know more about Arcona Ecosystem by visiting them at their website. AR/VR/MR panel includes Ilya Korguzalov, Daniel Girdea, founders of ARCONA, Sze Chianly, Chairman of HKVRN.

We thank them once again for the opportunity.